Comparison with Cavallos
Below are some photos to show how the Equine Jogging Shoe Active mini hoof boots compared to the Cavallo Cute Little Boots (CLB). The size 3 CLB is closest in size to the 9 slim Jogging Shoe.
As you will see the comparative-sized Jogging Shoe is much more ergonomic in design which gives a much better fit. This dramatically lessens the chance of the boots rubbing or coming off. Many people find that their minis walk right out of the CLBs, as the opening at the top is almost the same size as the sole of the boot.
The Jogging Shoes have a more ergonomic fit around both the hoof and the pastern. This helps keep the boot in position and prevents interference from the boot upper so lessens the chance of rubbing. It also means they fit snugger around the pastern which prevents debris from getting into the top of the boot.
The design of the Jogging Shoe fastening system gives a streamlined fit with much less bulk than the Cavallos.
If you are just needing a boot for a therapy mini/shetland who is only going to be walking around then the Cavallo Cute Little Boots might fit the bill, but if you plan to drive, compete or need a boot for rehab that won’t cause rubbing then the Jogging Shoe is the hands-down winner. And don’t just take our word for it, see the testimonials below: