World's first Jogging Shoes for horses!

Introducing the Ultimate Jogging Shoe

The Ultimate Jogging Shoe is soft and flexible, and features a new heel design which enables the unrestricted natural movement of the heels.

They are the first shoes available in sizes small enough to fit miniature horses, that provides all the great benefits of the flexible sole!

The most comfortable hoof shoe on the market

- No restrictions in movement

- No pressure points

- Fit’s most hoof shapes

- New heel design that eliminates rubbing


Superb durability

- High strength carbon look material


Stay on - Safe and secure

- No straps or external locks


Easy to use

- On and off within seconds!

- New and intelligent, patented Velcro locking system


No need for spare parts


Increased size range

- Four new sizes, range from 7-16


Slim version for narrow hooves

- Currently available in size 14 only - other sizes will be coming soon.


New sole design

- Combines the best from Ultra and Performance


Available in Red or Blue




Dear Sir/Madam,


I am writing to say how impressed I am with your Equine Fusion Ultimate boots.


For the last two years I have been trying to find a pair of boots for my ex-racehorse. So far I have bought a pair of renegades and a made to measure pair of hoof wings and have hired marquis, cavallo, boa’s and easyboot back country’s. All to no avail. My horse has typical TB feet, flat, slightly under run heels and wider than long.


I have persevered with renegades on the front as these were the best fit I could get. I have had your Ultras for the hinds for a year and been very happy with them. But they have not fitted him in front.


However, I have just tried your ultimates and they are amazing. They fit him perfectly, don’t affect his stride at all (which the renegades did) and despite him having pastern leucocytoclastic vasculitis, do not rub him at all.


As a vet, I am very concerned with the biodynamics of boots and don’t want anything that changes his gait.


I have to say, the Ultimates are the best boot on the market by far.


So thank you very much for designing them and please feel free to use any of my comments to encourage other horse owners to try your boots on their ‘hard to boot’ horses.


Yours faithfully,


Avril Senior

View the Ultimate Flyer

Shoe Size Hoof Length Hoof Width
7 6.6–7.5cm (2 5/8–2 15/16") up to 8cm (3 1/8")
8 7.6–8.5cm (3–3 3/8") up to 9cm (3 9/16")
9 8.6–9.5cm (3 3/8–3 3/4") up to 10cm (3 15/16")
10 9.6–10.5cm (3 3/4–4 1/8") up to 10cm (3 15/16")
11 10.6–11.5cm (4 3/16–4 1/2") up to 11cm (4 5/16")
12 11.6–12.5cm (4 9/16–4 15/16") up to 12cm (4 3/4")
13 12.6–13.5cm (4 15/16–5 5/16") up to 13cm (5 1/8")
14 13.6–14.5cm (5 3/8–5 11/16") up to 14cm (5 1/2")
14 slim 13.6–14.5cm (5 3/8–5 11/16") up to 13.35cm (5 1/4")
15 14.6–15.5cm (5 3/4–6 1/8") up to 15cm (5 15/16")
16 15.6–16.5cm (6 1/8–6 1/2") up to 16cm (6 5/16")


Equine Fusion AS


Incorporation number:

NO 988 779 245 MVA

Head Office:

Revheimsveien 78

4043 Hafrsfjord


Postal Address:

Revheimsveien 78

4043 Hafrsfjord


Telephone: +47 911 50 989


Email: contact@eqfu.no